Flake food / main food for fish in the Maxi Zoo online shop
Flake food – fine flakes for all water areas
Flake food for aquarium fish is usually designed as main food. This fish food consists of fine flakes and is available in various compositions and flake sizes. This means that flake food offers cold water fish, tropical hot water fish and the inhabitants of the marine aquarium a balanced diet. The flakes only remain briefly on the surface of the water and then slowly sink to the ground. This ensures an even supply for ornamental fish in all swimming areas.
How much flake food per fish?
An exact amount of flake food per fish cannot be determined, since the requirements differ. The amount of food is correct if the fish absorb the portion completely within a few minutes. Too much flake food is harmful, like any fish food, in excess quantities. The excess sinks to the ground and impairs the water quality. If the fish absorb too many flakes, they excrete more substances that also pollute the water. Even high-quality filter systems cannot cope with this in the long term.
Growing young fish require smaller portions of high-quality food several times a day. Flake food is usually not suitable for breeding. For older and larger fish, a two to three times daily feeding with one fasting day per week is usually sufficient. If your aquarium fish always seem hungry, check the amount of food: being hungry can be a sign of overfeeding. Too much energy stimulates growth and fat storage in fish. A few fasting days and then moderately dosed flake food will regulate the feeling of hunger.
How long can flake food be kept?
For unopened cans, the shelf life corresponds to the printed expiry date. Once the can is opened, the fat and vitamins quickly lose their shelf life and quality. It’s best to buy small packages of flake food that your fish consume within one month. You should dispose of older food. Never leave opened cans uncovered, and keep them in a cool place.
How do I identify good flake food?
Flake food as the main food can supply aquarium fish with all the nutrients they need. Pay attention to high-quality ingredients. The content of raw protein in the flakes says nothing about the value: proteins consist of amino acids, which the organism can produce itself in some cases. The supply of essential amino acids is important, and they can only be absorbed via food. Flakes of rice are unsuitable as main food. An unfavourable composition increases the food quantity, burdens the fish organism and damages the water quality. You can get high-quality flake food from Eheim, MORE FOR, Tetra and MultiFit in our online shop. Supplement the menu once or twice a week with live or frozen food.