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Royal Canin für Katzen

Discover the ideal diet for kittens now

Royal Canin für Ihr Kitten

Your kitten is not an adult cat yet. Kittens need a special diet.

Vorteile von Royal Canin Futter für Kätzchen
Royal Canin für Katzen
Royal Canin für Kitten
Royal Canin Breed
Royal Canin für den Lebensstil Ihrer Katze
Royal Canin bei Empfindlichkeiten

Royal Canin


Royal Canin is part of Mars Petcare and is one of the world’s leading companies in healthy nutrition for cats and dogs. In addition to the ROYAL CANIN® brand, outside Europe, Royal Canin also owns Eukanuba™, a brand dedicated to high-performance nutrition for dogs.

Royal Canin was founded over 50 years ago by Dr Jean Cathary, a veterinary surgeon from France, and is committed to “creating a better world for pets”™ by continually expanding the knowledge and research available on the nutrition of cats and dogs, together with experts and partners from the pet industry.

For example, Royal Canin works closely with pet experts like breeders and veterinary surgeons to develop both an optimally tailored, personalised nutrition solution for cats and dogs, as well as a variety of services, monitoring and diagnostic tools to develop a better understanding of and care for pets.

With its unique nutritional concept, Royal Canin always places the needs of cats and dogs at the centre of the innovation and development process. Age, lifestyle, height, race, sensitivities as well as diseases and activity levels are scientifically researched and observed to develop nutritional concepts for the individual needs of cats and dogs. The company is also consistently working to improve its sustainability, for example with a view to responsibly sourcing its raw materials, reducing emissions and waste, as well as using sustainable packaging.

Royal Canin has been launched in over 100 markets and employs around 7,800 people worldwide, including 500 veterinary surgeons and nutritionists. The company operates 16 production sites and 2 pet centres internationally. The company also has 1 innovation centre and 7 laboratory facilities via the Mars network.

Royal Canin foods are available from specialty shops and veterinary practices worldwide.