Cat toys in the Maxi Zoo online shop
Fun, exercise and relaxation with toys for cats
Cats are curious hunters who want to be busy and like to spend time with their people. It is known that there are also isolated exceptions among solitary house cats. But just eating, sleeping and looking out of the window are generally not going to make your house cat happy.
Therefore, with cat toys you can ensure sufficient mental and physical activity. The selection of toys is huge, so you can find the right activity for every cat. This is also so important because cats can suffer from constant boredom and eventually look for a different escape valve. Unrest, aggressiveness and behavioural abnormalities such as uncleanness can also result from insufficient activity. Accordingly, you can enjoy cosy hours with your relaxed cat if it has been sufficiently active throughout the apartment beforehand.
At Maxi Zoo you can buy a large selection of cat toys online. If you don’t know yet which toy you can use to inspire your cat, we have many tips for you below.
What distinguishes good cat toys?
Cat toys do not have to be expensive, but of the highest possible quality, so that you and your cat can enjoy them for a long time. If a cat plays particularly wildly or chews everything, owners should make sure that there are no parts that can get loose or be swallowed on the toy. The colour and shape of the toys are usually less of interest to the cat – but the size of a toy should also fit the size of the cat.
Otherwise, mainly ensure for variety in toys. From the beginning, select several toys from different categories, such as play mice, cat fishing or feed balls. They are of course not used at the same time and should not lie around in the apartment permanently. Because even the best toy quickly loses its appeal then. Pick out different toys for your cat on different days so that your velvet paws always re-discovers them and is always animated to play. This is even more true for cat toys filled with catnip or valerian. It is also recommended to keep the toy tightly closed outside of play times so that it retains its beguiling scent for a long time.
What types of cat toys are there?
Outdoor cats can keep themselves busy much more easily: watching birds, hunting insects or checking and marking the area are activities that cats love and enjoy. In an apartment cats can get underwhelmed and bored much faster. Indoor cats should definitely be animated to exercise during joint play. But intensive observation and reflecting are also a lot of fun. Fortunately, there is the right cat toy for every sense that needs to be occupied.
Cat fishing toys, play mice, balls: owners can use various cat toys to stimulate their cat’s hunting drive and promote movement. Some cats enthusiastically chase rolling balls or mice flying through the air. The prey can also hide in a narrow box, in an empty toilet paper roll or under a blanket. Your house cat will certainly do everything possible to catch the prey. Cat fishing toys are ideal for active hunting games: pull the bait over the ground sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. You can easily lure most cats behind you through the whole apartment. Another advantage of cat fishing: your hands are far away from the prey and therefore safe from particularly fast cat paws.
Intelligence toys: cats need not only physical exercise, but also mental challenges that promote their curiosity and creativity. Intelligence toys are suitable for this purpose, which reward the cat for recognising the solution with food. Cat puzzle toys are a popular toy for cats. The four-legged friends are delighted with the delicious treats they have distributed therein, which they have to fumble out with their paws with great skill and patience. There are toys with different degrees of difficulty – depending on how much experience your cat has already had with intelligence toys.
Catmint and valerian cushion: Catnip toys with catmint enormously encourage interest in playing. A cat can hardy escape the intense scent and is occupied by such a cushion for a while. For example, if it is integrated into balls or mice, the cat will certainly chase after the toy. Valerian tends to have a calming effect. Cats love to roll on a valerian cushion, have a sniff, rub against it and fall asleep at some point. You should always give the cat such intensely fragrant toys to play with for a short time only and then stow them away safely again.
Cat tunnels and rustling blankets: not only small cats are often big fans of tunnels where they can hide or rustling blankets, on which it is wonderfully easy to snuggle on. If your cat can be animated by sounds to play, the rustling tunnel and blankets are ideal for intensive play with lots of movement.
Is a clicker a game or training?
So-called clicker training is a very useful and playful activity for your cat. Clicking is always about fun – but just like with intelligence toys, your cat has to think carefully with these playful exercises. Training with a clicker and target stick is ideal for mental utilisation. Basically, you can teach your cat with snacks in combination with a single click that it follows the target stick, nudges it or otherwise touches it. This way you can practice small tricks or get the cat used to a new transport box, for example. The most important rule: clicker training should be fun for you and your cat, and the training is done exclusively via rewards. Take small steps through the exercises together and always finish a clicker training before your cat loses interest.
Do only young cats play?
The accompanying symptoms of age include fewer and more sedate movements. However, it is important for the health of your cat that it remains active even in old age. So try to animate the feline pensioner with cat toys. But let it start slowly and keep the game significantly shorter than before. Instead of long chases through the apartment, the focus is increasingly on activity for the brain. Cats observe extensively and very happily. For example, pull the bait on the cat fisher slowly through the room – as if the prey knows that it is being observed and wants to behave inconspicuously. When the prey slowly disappears under a blanket or newspaper, you can be sure of the attention of your cat. And some seniors can still be tempted to spirited jumping with the right playing technique.
Which cat toy suits my cat?
The cat toy that your house cat likes best depends on his age, fitness and predisposition. Do yourselves both a favour and play together as much as possible, because this strengthens the bond. Even if you have several cats that can be active together, you should also go on the playful hunt together with your animals. Also don’t forget to ensure a successful experience at the end, for example with a particularly tasty treat. Clever house cats notice very quickly whether hunting for cat toys is really worthwhile or always in vain. So at the end you can enjoy a few treats in the room. For your cat, this is the highlight of every hunt.
Whether it’s a plush mouse, feed ball or catnip cushion: discover toys for cats from renowned manufacturers such as AniOne, Catit, Kong, MORE FOR, Premier, Trixie and many more in the Maxi Zoo online shop. You will find the right activity for every temperament and can order a wide variety of cat toys cheaply online.