You have it easy as a house cat. Inside it is comfortably warm and the feed does not have to be hunted by oneself. Nevertheless, domestic cats have retained their natural hunting instinct. They want to slink, lurk up and grab their prey with claws and teeth – this also works wonderfully if it is a suitable toy. High-quality cat fishing rods are particularly suitable for this. The extremely interesting “bait” for the animal at the end of the string simulates, for example, birds, small animals, insects or other interesting prey animals that attract cats in an instant behind the oven.
Playing with the cat fishing rod is wonderful fun for people and animals and ensures a lot of quality time. Above all, it motivates the furry companion and gets him on the go. Reflexes and coordination are trained, the cardiovascular system gets going and the natural hunting drive as well as the catching of prey can be brought to life wonderfully.