Chicken feed & hay
Chicken feed & hay in the Maxi Zoo online shop
Chicken feed: high-quality food for your feathered pets
People who keep their own chickens should naturally be concerned with maintaining their well-being. Here it is particularly important to focus on proper feeding because chickens have their own preferences with regard to their food.
Buying chicken feed: what it comes down to
If you want to feed your chickens with a nutritious diet, you need to consider some important issues. First of all: high-quality chicken feed should be continuously available to the animals and not only at certain times of day. Feed mixtures that already contain all the essential ingredients are best suited for this. These should be poured into a feed dispenser where the animals can help themselves. You should not underestimate the amount of food that chicken needs every day, regardless of their relatively small size. A 2.5 kilogram chicken with normal laying capacity requires about 120 grams of feed per day.
Would you like to buy chicken feed online? At Maxi Zoo you will find a rich range of products with various high-quality feed alternatives that will supply your chickens with all the important minerals and vitamins. With most varieties, the focus is on cereal grains – as per the general preference of chickens. The diverse and energy-rich mixtures you can order from Maxi Zoo often contain seeds, corn, legumes or grit. The latter is crushed lime, which supplies the chickens with sufficient calcium. This is an important factor, especially with regard to the stability of the eggshell. Complete feed types are also enriched with special layers pellets, which contribute to regular laying behaviour and a firm egg shell. You can also buy additional chicken feed at Maxi Zoo: for a gradual food intake, more pleasant digestion and regular laying there is special laying dietary supplement with particularly high energy content.
Chickens are also given hay as food. It contains a lot of fibre, and thus has a beneficial effect on the birds’ digestion. MAXI ZOO has a wide range of high-quality hay varieties such as mountain meadow hay, hay blossoms and herbal hay.
This feed is also recommended
In addition to the high-quality chicken feed you buy in the store, you should also give your chickens with fruit and vegetables every now and then. Grated carrots, cucumbers, lettuce leaves, apples and berries are particularly suitable. At most, you should feed citrus fruits in small quantities; avocados are even toxic for most chickens. In addition, it is also a good idea to give birds mealworms or earth worms every now and then. These provide your animals with a lot of protein.
If your chickens are allowed to enjoy running free every now and then, they can also take care of themselves with fresh grasses, herbs and insects. This ensures that your feathered animals absorb all the important nutrients. By the way, apart from insects and worms, chickens must never eat meat. Seasoned foods and spoiled food should never be offered as chicken feed.