A Gallery of Cat Breed Portraits with Important Facts and Tips
Each cat has its very own characteristics and physical features. The different cat breeds also need different training and care. Here you will find breed profiles with the most important facts and tips for your house cat.
Bengal cat – the mini leopard on the sofa
The Bengal cat is also known as the Bengal cat or Leopardette. Although it looks like a miniature cat of prey, it is one of the particularly friendly pedigree cats. It is not only beautiful, but also very cuddly and extremely playful.
Cat breeds at a glance


Egyptian Mau

American Shorthair

American Wirehair

Bengal cat

British short-hair

British Longhair


Devon Rex

European Shorthair




Norwegian Forest Cat

Persian Cat


Russian Blue

Savannah Cat

Scottish Fold


Siamese Cat

Siberian Cat

Somali Cat

Sphynx Cat


Turkish Angora

Turkish Van
The sleek, mysterious hunters couldn’t differ more in their nature and appearance. All cats do of course have their unique origins. Which of the four-legged friends would suit you best? Find out!