Hurray, your kitten is here!
First steps with your kitten
A warm welcome to your new kitten! To ensure that your little cat feels comfortable in its new home straight away, it is recommended that you prepare for the arrival of your new pet in advance. We can support you with basic information and tips regarding the equipment you will need to start you off, nutrition and how to kitten-proof your home.

Basic equipment: Everything your kitten needs

Your kitten needs:
- Food: Young cats require a special diet tailored to their individual needs to enable optimum development. > Kitten food
- Litter tray: A suitable litter tray is essential so that your kitten has an appropriate place to relieve itself. > Toilet
- Cat litter: Choose a dust-free, clumping litter made from natural materials so that your kitten is protected from potential respiratory irritation. > Cat litter
- Food and drinking bowls: The size of the food and drinking bowls should be appropriate for the size of the kitten to enable it to eat and drink comfortably and easily. > Bowls for kittens
- Den, basket or bed: When choosing a place for kittens to sleep it is important to take into consideration the individual preferences and needs of your kitten. > Sleeping places for kittens
- Toys: Toys which promote the natural hunting and predatory instinct are ideal. Interactive toys can also be used to stimulate your kitten’s mind. > Kitten toys
- Brush: Choose a brush which has very soft bristles and which is suitable for your kitten’s fur type. > Kitten brushes
- Pet carrier: The pet carrier for your kitten should provide adequate space, be sturdy and easy to clean. > Pet carriers
How to make your home kitten-proof

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A kitten is curious and is not yet able to judge what is dangerous. It is important that you take a few precautions before your kitten moves in so that your new pet can move around freely and untroubled in its new home.
Checklist: Kitten-proof home
- Put away poisonous substances:
Move cleaning products, medicines, poisonous food and poisonous houseplants in places where your kitten is not able to reach them.
- Remove safety hazards:
Remove sharp or fragile objects and electrical wires which your kitten could nibble on or knock over.
- Secure bins:
Ensure that your kitten does not choke on or get injured by its contents.
- Block stairs and doors:
Use baby gates or other barriers to block off stairs and rooms which you don’t want your kitten to enter.
- Protect furniture:
Use protective devices to prevent your kitten from nibbling on or scratching furniture.
- Check windows:
Make sure that windows are properly closed and secured so that your kitten is not able to fall out or run away. Tilted windows are also dangerous for cats as they may get stuck when trying to climb out.
The right nutrition for your kitten
A balanced diet is very important for the healthy development of your kitten. It is crucial that all the relevant nutrients are contained in the food and that your kitten likes the taste of it.
Kitten food: What’s important
- It contains all of the important nutrients and minerals.
- It combines high-quality proteins, fats and carbohydrates in balanced quantities.
- It is free from artificial colourings, flavourings and preservatives and does not contain any unnecessary fillers.
- It is easily digestible and readily accepted by your kitten.