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Dog Magazine and Dog Guide - Top Topics on the Subject of Dogs

Ein Mädchen kuschelt mit ihrem Hund.


Dog health

Ein Husky Welpe wird vom Tierarzt untersucht

Get tips and information on keeping your dog healthy, what to do if your dog does get sick and information on various dog diseases in our dog health magazine.

Dog breed

Hunderassen auf einem Bild

Each dog breed is characterised by its individual character traits and external features. Therefore, different breeds require different training and care. Here you will find breed profiles for small, medium and large dogs and the most important facts and tips.

Dog training

Ein Golden Retriever gibt seiner Besitzerin Pfote

Get tips for dog training and strengthen a great human-dog relationship with know-how, consistency and empathy!


Vier Welpen sitzen in einer Holzkiste

You want to give a puppy a home? Get useful tips for your young dog here and prepare everything for your puppy!

Dog Care & Hygiene

Ein Hund wird gebürstet

From coat & paw care, bathing techniques to initial dog equipment. Discover everything about proper dog care.

Dog sport & play

Ein Hund spielt mit einer Frisbee.

Get tips for dog sports and games and act in a new way with your four-legged friend.

Top topics on the subject of dogs:

Most popular dog categories

Other popular categories and matching posts:

All dog categories at a glance:

Dogs: Everything about man's best friend

What makes the dog so special as a pet?

Dogs need a species-appropriate life with lots of variety and exercise

With dogs, no matter what breed, the right education is the be-all and end-all

Your dog's food is the basis for a vital life

How to care for your dog properly

Find everything for your dog at Maxi Zoo