Small Münsterländer - Lively, Keen Swimmer with a Sharp Sniffer Nose
07.10.2022 - Reading time: 3 minutes

Loyal brown eyes, long floppy ears and a whole load of character – you will fall in love with the Small Münsterländer straight away. It is devoted, loves children and has a happy temperament. But this isn’t all, because it is also a passionate hunting dog with outstanding motivation. A life purely as a service dog with the odd walks would never suit this agile dog as it needs action – every day.
NewsletterSmall Münsterländer
Breed | Small Münsterländer |
Origin | Germany |
Classification | Gundog |
Size | Stands 52 to 56 centimetres (male), 50 to 54 centimetres (female) at the withers. |
Weight | 18 to 27 kilograms |
Physique | lean, powerful and finely tuned |
Eyes | medium large, dark brown eyes |
Ears | luxuriant coat on the hanging ears |
Coat and colour | thick, medium length, water repellent coat, colour variants: brown-white and brown-grey with brown flecks |
Special features | pronounced hunting instinct, very lively, needs challenging |
Nature | intelligent, loves to work, loves children, obedient |
Care | regular coat care |
Health | Tendency to dermatitis |
We have the best products for your Small Münsterländer!
Characterful hunting dogs from the Münsterland
Both Small and Large Münsterländer are hunting dogs and are classified as hunting-pointing-retrieving dog breeds. These dogs remain stock still when they detect game and generally raise their front paw. This is how they show the hunters their quarry. The ancestors of the Small Münsterländer were Spaniels that had been widespread since the Middle Ages and were used for hunting birds. The focused breeding of the Münsterländer began at the beginning of the last century. To begin with they were known as the Small Munsterlander Pointer. In 1921, breed standards were determined for the Small Münsterländer. Nowadays this loyal companion is one of the most dexterous and popular hunting dogs.
Character of the Small Münsterländer
First and foremost the small Münsterländer is a hunting dog. Its outstanding tracking abilities, its love of retrieving and its flexibility make it a reliable hunting companion in the forest, in water and in the fields. Friendly, happy and full of character is how this long-haired four-legged friend appears in daily life. It is wonderful with children. It is devoted and loyal to its owner and its family.
Training and care of the small Münsterländer
This intelligent dog loves working and has to be occupied. Thanks to its high level of social skills and love of children it makes an excellent family dog – but that is not sufficient. If it is not used for hunting, it has to let off steam in a different way, for example in dog sports. Its excellent olfactory skills come to the fore in tracking and mantrailing. Extensive play times and long walks in nature are a must for the small Münsterländer, as it loves water and is only too happy to follow where its nose leads. This can also be a problem if the dog is not trained correctly, as it can simply pick up a scent and follow its instinct. In order to keep its hunting instinct under control, the Münsterländer needs consistent and expert training right from the start. Enrolling in puppy school at an early age and intensive training are highly recommended if you want your Münsterländer to become an obedient everyday companion.
Care of the Small Münsterländer
The coat of the Small Münsterländer is easy to care for –brushing several times a week is sufficient.
Special features of the Small Münsterländer
Münsterländer are passionate hunting dogs and not merely a family dog, although unscrupulous breeders often pass them off as such. If you want to own a Münsterländer you should consider in advance how you will be able to challenge this bundle of energy both physically and mentally. Be sure to seek out a breeder who is a member of the VDH (Verband für das Deutsche Hundewesen [Germany’s Kennel club for dogs]) or the JGHV (Jagdgebrauchshundverband [Hunting Dogs Association]) when looking for a puppy. Small Münsterländer tend to dermatitis caused either by bacteria or a virus.