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All the Important Information and Care When Travelling with a Dog

If you’re planning to fly on holiday or travel by train with your dog, there are certain safety regulations. You should also find out about the entry requirements for the country you want to holiday in. Often, dogs without a microchip are not permitted to enter in the first place. In the following guide, find out about how to find reliable care for your dog and additional important information about travelling with a dog.

Frau mit vielen Hunden auf der Wiese

Holiday care for your dog. Here, your dog is well cared for during your holiday

Finally the holidays have arrived – but who will take care of my dog? Your four-legged friend can’t always come along. Holiday care for your dog is the solution. How to find a perfect kennel.
Not everyone has the option of leaving their pet with friends or relatives when they go on holiday.Read our tips for holiday care to help make it easier to choose the right carer or kennel.

To the article

Travel tips and tricks

Treating and preventing travel diseases

  • Symptoms
    • severe panting & shivering, increased salivation
    • Nausea & vomiting
  • Care
    • Do not feed for 12 hours prior to departure, drive at a moderate speed and take breaks
    • Keep medications from your vet to hand

Identifying a reputable dog kennel

  • Cleanliness (accommodation, food and water bowls)
  • Sufficient space and play areas
  • Sufficient diversions
  • Trained and affectionate personnel
  • No hazards

Please find out about required vaccinations in advance.

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